How to make Shiny input $ var consumable for dplyr :: summary ()

I have the following Rmarkdown Shiny :

title: "My Title"
runtime: shiny
    vertical_layout: scroll
    theme:  bootstrap
    orientation: rows

```{r setup, include=FALSE}

Rows {data-height=700}

### Mate-pair Mapping Distribution

```{r mate_pair_distribution, echo=FALSE}
  selectInput("col_id", label = "Features",
              choices = c("carat", "depth","price"), selected = "price"),
  selectInput("op_id", label = "Quality:",
              choices = c("All", "Ideal","Premium","Good","Very Good"), selected = "Good"),

  sliderInput("n_breaks", label = "Number of bins:",
               min = 20, max = 50, value = 30, step = 1)


    # Prepare for the data
    dat  <- diamonds %>% filter(cut == input$op_id)
    if(input$op_id == "All") {
      dat <- diamonds

    # Plotting 
    ggplot(dat, aes(dat %>% select(.,contains(input$col_id)))) +
    ggtitle(input$op_id, subtitle = input$col_id) +
    geom_histogram(bins = input$n_breaks) +
    scale_x_continuous() +
    xlab(input$col_id) +

  }, height=400, width=400),
    dat  <- diamonds %>% filter(cut == input$op_id)
    if(input$op_id == "All") {
      dat <- diamonds

   dat %>% 
      select(.,contains(input$col_id)) %>%
      summarise(mean = mean(input$col_id), sd=sd(input$col_id), n=n())



That produce this conclusion

enter image description here

As you can see renderText()

show NA

in mean

and sd

values. This is caused by this line

 dat %>% 
          select(.,contains(input$col_id)) %>%
          summarise(mean = mean(input$col_id), sd=sd(input$col_id), n=n())


So how can I make a input$col_id

consumable for summarise()

? What is the correct way to do this?

Not a brilliant context:

> diamonds %>% filter(cut=="Good") %>% select(price)  %>% summarise(mean = mean(price), sd=sd(price), n=n())
# A tibble: 1 × 3
      mean      sd     n
     <dbl>   <dbl> <int>
1 3928.864 3681.59  4906



source to share

1 answer

Using development version dplyr

(v0.5.0.9002) you can turn your string into a character with rlang::sym()

and then use the unquote ( !!

or UQ

) operator to refer to the variable in dplyr verbs.


var1 <- "Good" # replace with input$op_id
var2 <- rlang::sym("price") # replace with input$col_id

diamonds %>%
  filter(cut == var1) %>%
  select_at(vars(!!var2)) %>%
  summarise_at(vars(!!var2), funs(mean, sd, n()))


What gives:

## A tibble: 1 × 3
#      mean      sd     n
#     <dbl>   <dbl> <int>
#1 3928.864 3681.59  4906


If you have multiple variables, use rlang::syms()

with the unquoted union operator ( !!!

or UQS

). For example:

var1 <- "Good" 
var2 <- rlang::syms(c("price", "depth")) 

diamonds %>%
  filter(cut == var1) %>%
  select_at(vars(UQS(var2))) %>%
  summarise_at(vars(UQS(var2)), funs(mean, sd, n()))


What gives:

## A tibble: 1 × 6
#  price_mean depth_mean price_sd depth_sd price_n depth_n
#       <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>   <int>   <int>
#1   3928.864   62.36588  3681.59 2.169374    4906    4906


For more information see the quasi-rotational section Programming with dplyr vignette



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