Count the number of spaces before the current line in pandas

I have a DataFrame with a string is_blank

that indicates if a string is NaN

or not. I would like to create a new function that counts the number of rows NaN

before the current row in each set of records, grouped by id


See example below:

import pandas as pd
is_blank = [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]
id = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]
outval = [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0]
test_df = pd.DataFrame({'id': id, 'is_blank': is_blank, 'outval': outval})


This is what a toy dataset looks like. I want to create a column outval

. outval[3]

equals 2 because there are two spaces in front of it. Then it is outval[4]

reset to zero because there is no blank line before that line.

In[2]: test_df
    id  is_blank  outval
0    1         0       0
1    1         1       0
2    1         1       1
3    1         0       2
4    1         1       0
5    1         1       1
6    1         1       2
7    2         0       0
8    2         0       0
9    2         0       0
10   2         1       0


I am currently trying to use some form of cumulative account:

In[3]: test_df.groupby(['id'])['is_blank'].cumsum().shift(1)
0     NaN
1     0.0
2     1.0
3     2.0
4     2.0
5     3.0
6     4.0
7     5.0
8     0.0
9     0.0
10    0.0


But obviously the counter is not reset inside the group and ends up counting all empty lines. I am looking at the option expanding_apply

but cannot fully understand how it works.

Any thoughts on how to effectively solve this problem?


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2 answers

Vector approach

b = np.append(0, test_df.is_blank.values[:-1])
i =

bc = b.cumsum()
w1 = np.where(b == 0)[0]
w2 = np.append(0, np.where(i[:-1] != i[1:])[0] + 1)
bd2 = bc[w2].repeat(np.diff(np.append(r[w2], k)))
bd1 = bc[w1].repeat(np.diff(np.append(r[w1], k)))

test_df.assign(outval=bc - np.fmax(bd1, bd2))

    id  is_blank  outval
0    1         0       0
1    1         1       0
2    1         1       1
3    1         0       2
4    1         1       0
5    1         1       1
6    1         1       2
7    2         0       0
8    2         0       0
9    2         0       0
10   2         1       0


The purpose of this is to find the positions where the "reset" will occur. That is, when it id

changes and when it is_blank

is zero.

Let be the bc

total is_blank

and subtract the corresponding values ​​to "reset"

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enter image description here



You can create another group variable based on is_blank

to reset cumsum:

test_df['outval'] = (test_df.groupby([, (test_df.is_blank.diff() != 0).cumsum()])


enter image description here

Break up:

# create a group variable whose id increases when the blanks are not consecutive
g = (test_df.is_blank.diff() != 0).cumsum()

#0     1
#1     2
#2     2
#3     3
#4     4
#5     4
#6     4
#7     5
#8     5
#9     5
#10    6
#Name: is_blank, dtype: int64

# group data frame on both id and g, then do cumsum on the is_blank column
test_df.groupby([, g]).is_blank.cumsum().groupby(

#0     0.0
#1     0.0
#2     1.0
#3     2.0
#4     0.0
#5     1.0
#6     2.0
#7     0.0
#8     0.0
#9     0.0
#10    0.0
#Name: is_blank, dtype: float64




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