Multiprocessing with GPU in Keras

I need to compute several deep models in parallel and average their results. My work is done forever after the computation finishes with GPU 0


def model_train(self, params):
    from nn_arch import nn_models
    X, y, gpu_no = params
    print("GPU NO ", gpu_no)
    with tf.device('/gpu:' + str(gpu_no)):
        model1 = nn_models.lenet5()
        early_callback = CustomCallback(), y, batch_size=256, validation_split=0.2, callbacks=[early_callback],
    return model1


And my main method is below. In this case I have 2 GPUs

def main(self, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test):
    random_buckets = self.get_random()
    X = [X_train[random_buckets[k]] for k in sorted(random_buckets)]
    y = [y_train[random_buckets[j]] for j in sorted(random_buckets)]

    params = zip(X, y, [0, 1])
    models =, params)


How do I organize multiple models in parallel with Keras. (Parallel data approach)


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2 answers

Before compiling the model in keras. Add this line

model = make_parallel (model, 2)

where 2 is the number of available GPUs.

The make_parallel function is available in this file. Just import the file into your code and your code will run on multiple GPUs.

make_parallel is a simple function that:

  • It creates a copy of your model on the N GPUs that you point to it.
  • It splits your batch into N smaller batches of smaller size
  • It transfers each smaller batch to the corresponding model
  • It combines the output of the models


Refer to the TensorFlow Multi-GPU Tutorials as a reference.



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