Store array value in angular2 backend php database frontend?
Hello, first of all, sorry if this question has already asked a question? But I'm stuck on this exactly what I want. I am trying to create a rest api for my angular2 frontend. Everything works fine since I was calling rest api and angular2 and starting the database value in a specific table. as
$stmt = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO `create_profile`(`developerType`, `skills`, `level`, `workType`, `message`) VALUES (:developerType, :skills, :level, :workType, :message)");$stmt->bindParam(':developerType', $params->developerType);
But I am stuck on how to store the value that the array contains in the value location like in my skill sheet there is an array with 2 values, but how can I store it in the database.
I use like this.
but its not working. I know I missed something, but what I don't know. Please help me
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1 answer
you may try
$data = array(); $skillSet = $params->skills; foreach($skillSet as $team) $data[] = "" . addslashes($team->skillName) . ""; $data = implode("," , $data); $stmt->bindParam(':skills', $data);
you need to decouple your array first and after that it can be stored in the database, hope it helps you. :)
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