How to extract img src from div?

I would like to extract the src image from the following html div:

<div class="mini-cart-image">
  <a href="">
    <img src="$thumb$" alt="Midpines 6P, Orange Spice/Arona, small" title="Midpines 6P, Orange Spice/Arona"/>


I have extracted this div from the website using the following code:

var cart_image0 = document.getElementsByClassName("mini-cart-image")[0]
var cart_image0src = cart_image0.getAttribute('src') // null


I would like to return the src value. I was thinking about using getAttribute, but this returns null. Is there a way to do this with js methods? My alternative is to manually parse the innerHTML value for the src value. I hope there is a better solution that I am not aware of.


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3 answers

Try querySelector

var cart_image0 = document.querySelector(".mini-cart-image a img").getAttribute('src');


or remove a

also from the selector

var cart_image0 = document.querySelector(".mini-cart-image img").getAttribute('src');




What's going on in your code is that you are selecting an element var cart_image0 = document.getElementsByClassName("mini-cart-image")[0]

with no attribute src


This is the reason why you are getting null when you call cart_image0.getAttribute('src')


// Select the cart
var cart = document.getElementsByClassName("mini-cart-image")[0];

// Select the img in the cart
var img = cart.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];

// Get the img src attribute with "img.getAttribute('src')" or shorter "img.src"

<div class="mini-cart-image">
  <a href="">
    <img src="$thumb$" alt="Midpines 6P, Orange Spice/Arona, small" title="Midpines 6P, Orange Spice/Arona"/>

Run codeHide result

Please note that when cart.getElementsByTagName('img')

you receive a collection with all images in cart

. Therefore, you can iterate or use the very first element img

, as in the example code, with cart.getElementsByTagName('img')[0]




Your problem: var cart_image0 = document.getElementsByClassName("mini-cart-image")[0]

does not reference the element img


Try the following:

var cart_wrapper = document.getElementsByClassName("mini-cart-image")[0];
var cart_image0 = cart_wrapper.getElementsByTagName("img")[0]
var cart_image0src = cart_image0.getAttribute('src') // no longer null




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