Crashlytics Fabric Multi Purpose

I have an application with multiple targets, some of which have different package IDs. I've managed to add Fabric, specifically Crashlytics, to apps with the same bundle ID in the past, but I'm not sure how to go with multiple targets with different bundle IDs.

Any pointers or documentation I might have missed?


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3 answers

You can create Crashlytics for multiple targets in one application by adding multiple RUN SCRIPTs in BUILDING PHASES . Fabric will identify based on UNIQUE RUN SCRIPT

I am working on 6 targets in single projects getting all crashes in Fabric. It is advisable.

Target -> Build Phases -> Add Start SCRIPT



From Fabric documentation :

To run Crashlytics with multiple targets, add Crashlytics Run Script for each Build Phase target.

This worked for me in my projects where I have Fabric configured for both the main purpose of the application and multiple extensions for their own purposes. They end up manifesting themselves as unique "things" in the Fabric web panel, which is nice too.



Installing Crashlytic with Firebase for multiple schemas might get an error Could not get GOOGLE_APP_ID in Google Services file from build environment

. You can fix it:

  • The Build Settings

    add the user to define the file name in User Defined


Add file name for each scheme in User Defined

  • In the Build Phases

    press the "plus" New Run Script Phase

    of the phase Crashlytic assembly, and enter this code into the text field. Don't forget to rename% YOUR_CUSTOM_PATH_TO_FOLDER% to your Plist path:


Add build phase



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