Simple injector - subscribing to an event with the + = (plus equals) operator, like Ninject OnActivation

I am trying to subscribe to an event using Simple Injector. My class:

public class MyClass
    public event Action<MyClass> SomeEvent;


With Ninject, this can be done with OnActivation()


    .OnActivation((context, myObj) =>
        myObj.SomeEvent += MyStaticEventHandler.Handle; // for static
        // or...
        myObj.SomeEvent += context.Kernel.Get<MyEventHandler>().Handle; // for non-static


How is this done with a simple injector? I tried looking around but found content only in implementations of IEventHandler

/ ICommandHandler

but not using C # events.


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1 answer


Simple Injector's Ninject equivalent is RegisterInitializer

. Your example code translates into the following Simple Injector code:

container.RegisterInitializer<MyClass>(myObj =>
    myObj.SomeEvent += MyStaticEventHandler.Handle; // for static
    // or...
    myObj.SomeEvent += container.GetInstance<MyEventHandler>().Handle; // for non-static


Typically, however, you should use the Injection constructor as a mechanism to separate classes into event usage. You achieve the same amount of decoupling with Constructor Injection when you program against interfaces.

Using constructor Injection has the advantage that:

  • The container can parse graphs of objects for you and detect any configuration errors like Captive Dependencies .
  • This improves discoverability because the interface is less abstract than the event, allowing the reader to understand what the class is using and making it easy to jump to implementation.
  • It prevents temporary communication .


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