Where exactly can I find a complete link to the Vim `tags` option?

I see two answers that say setting the option tags

for Vim to start looking for a tags

file in the current directory and process the directory tree until it is found. The command looks like this: this.

set tags=./tags;/


Here are the posts that talk about it.

This syntax uses a semicolon to set a range of directories to search for (that is, start at the current directory and end at the root directory).

In that, in the comment to the answer, there is a comment in the first link that reads:

You don't even need /

to if you go to the root directory. Just ;


Where is all this documented? I looked :help 'tags

and I found none of this was mentioned.

                        *'tags'* *'tag'* *E433*
'tags' 'tag'        string  (default "./tags,tags", when compiled with
                |+emacs_tags|: "./tags,./TAGS,tags,TAGS")
            global or local to buffer |global-local|
    Filenames for the tag command, separated by spaces or commas.  To
    include a space or comma in a file name, precede it with a backslash
    (see |option-backslash| about including spaces and backslashes).
    When a file name starts with "./", the '.' is replaced with the path
    of the current file.  But only when the 'd' flag is not included in
    'cpoptions'.  Environment variables are expanded |:set_env|.  Also see
    "*", "**" and other wildcards can be used to search for tags files in
    a directory tree.  See |file-searching|.  E.g., "/lib/**/tags" will
    find all files named "tags" below "/lib".  The filename itself cannot
    contain wildcards, it is used as-is.  E.g., "/lib/**/tags?" will find
    files called "tags?".  {not available when compiled without the
    |+path_extra| feature}
    The |tagfiles()| function can be used to get a list of the file names
    actually used.
    If Vim was compiled with the |+emacs_tags| feature, Emacs-style tag
    files are also supported.  They are automatically recognized.  The
    default value becomes "./tags,./TAGS,tags,TAGS", unless case
    differences are ignored (MS-Windows).  |emacs-tags|
    The use of |:set+=| and |:set-=| is preferred when adding or removing
    file names from the list.  This avoids problems when a future version
    uses another default.
    {Vi: default is "tags /usr/lib/tags"}


Where exactly can I find a complete link to all the tricks I can use with the tags

Vim option ?


source to share

1 answer

Where exactly can I find a complete link to all the tricks I can use with the tags

Vim option ?

From :help 'tags'


"*", "**" and other wildcards can be used to search for tags files in
a directory tree.  See |file-searching|.



is a tag, click <C-]>

on it to learn more about

"*", "**" and other wildcards.



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