@ViewChildren is not updated with dynamically added DOM elements

I have the following DOM structure

<div #carousalElement>
    <div  class="singleCaousalElement">
            <img [src]="carousalURL1" class="carousalImage">
    <div  class="singleCaousalElement">
            <img [src]="carousalURL2" class="carousalImage">


I can get all divs with a class carousalElements


@ViewChildren('carousalElement') carousalElements;


PROBLEM: When I dynamically add a new one div

to the div #carousalElement

it doesn't show up in the array carousalElements


Am I missing something obvious?


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2 answers

Angular does not recognize HTML not added by Angular directives or APIs. Also, if it <div>

doesn't have a template variable #carousalElement

, @ViewChildren('carousalElement')

it won't find it.

Template variables must be added statically to the component template. Adding them dynamically is pointless. Angular only handles the construction of Angular templates when compiling the template.



The moment you add a new element to your carousalElement

div at this time, check the DOM if this element is available or not.

If available, get the item:



If not available try setting some timeout and then check again in DOM

setTimeout(() => {
        //your logic
    }, 200);


Still not found, then try with below logic:

@ViewChildren('carousalElement', { read: ViewContainerRef })
public carousalElement: QueryList<ViewContainerRef>;


And where do you check console.log (this.carousalElement)

Let me know what he gives



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