Returns a JSON object with TypeScript function

I recently discovered TypeScript and I am trying to convert my existing JavaScript code to TypeScript.

I have a function that fetches information from a string ( data

), puts it into a JSON object ( json

) and returns it. But when using TypeScript and not specifying the return type, I get the following error in Eclipse:

There is no best general type among return expressions

It disappears when I add the return type any

, but I think this is not a good solution (too general). And I couldn't find the type "json" or "object".

My question is , what type of return value should I use?

Here's the function:

function formaterDonnees(data: string) { // or (data: string): any
    // final json object
    var json = {
        y: {
            "vars": [],
            "smps": [],
            "data": []

    // ...
    // processing data...
    // ...

    // put new variables in JSON (not real values below) = ["data"];
    json.y.smps = ["smps"];
    json.y.vars = ["vars"];

    return json;




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1 answer

You can indeed specify what you are returning object

( new to typescript 2.2 ), but you can create a type for your return value:

type MyReturnTypeItem = {
    vars: string[];
    smps: string[];
    data: string[];

type MyReturnType = {
    [name: string]: MyReturnTypeItem;

function formaterDonnees(data: string): MyReturnType {
    var json = {
        y: {
            "vars": [],
            "smps": [],
            "data": []

    // put new variables in JSON (not real values below) = ["data"];
    json.y.smps = ["smps"];
    json.y.vars = ["vars"];

    return json;



( playground code )

Also, while I was using the alias type , you can do the same with interfaces :

interface MyReturnTypeItem {
    vars: string[];
    smps: string[];
    data: string[];

interface MyReturnType {
    [name: string]: MyReturnTypeItem;




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