Is there an easy way to cancel Ionic radio in Ionic 2?

After the user selects the ionic radio, a function is called on the component. I need this function to deselect the radio.


  <form [formGroup]="myForm">
    <ion-list radio-group formControlName="listOptions">
        <ion-label>Option 1</ion-label>
        <ion-radio value="1" (ionSelect)="myFunction($event)"></ion-radio>



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2 answers

Not sure about usecase here, but here we go ...

Since you are using a reactive form, you have some functionality that you can perform in your form controls, one of which is reset()

. So, in your function, you would just reset a value like this:

myFunction() {


and it will reset disabled if this is your initial switch state.

Demo that sets a radio button reset after a couple of seconds



You can use checked

for this. And use boolean to manipulate it. In .html add this

<ion-radio checked={{isChecked}} value="1" (ionSelect)="myFunction($event)"></ion-radio>


In .ts add this:

export class SomePage{
  isChecked = false;


    this.isChecked = !this.isChecked; // I am assuming you want to switch between checking and unchecking while clicking on radio.


If there are multiple radio buttons, you can use an array of flags, eg isChecked[]




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