Confused by how the reference vector function rvalue :: push_back improves efficiency

From I found a simple example using std :: move:

std::string str = "Hello";
std::vector<std::string> v;

// uses the push_back(const T&) overload, which means 
// we'll incur the cost of copying str
v.push_back(str);                                    // First push_back
std::cout << "After copy, str is \"" << str << "\"\n";

// uses the rvalue reference push_back(T&&) overload, 
// which means no strings will be copied; instead, the contents
// of str will be moved into the vector.  This is less
// expensive, but also means str might now be empty.
v.push_back(std::move(str));                        // Second push_back


The comment says that the string copy has been removed.

The first push_back will call: void push_back(const value_type& _Val)

The second push_back will call: void push_back(value_type&& _Val)

I checked the implementation code for two functions:

void push_back(const value_type& _Val)
    {   // insert element at end
    if (_Inside(_STD addressof(_Val)))
        {   // push back an element
        size_type _Idx = _STD addressof(_Val) - _Unfancy(this->_Myfirst());
        if (this->_Mylast() == this->_Myend())
        _Orphan_range(this->_Mylast(), this->_Mylast());
        {   // push back a non-element
        if (this->_Mylast() == this->_Myend())
        _Orphan_range(this->_Mylast(), this->_Mylast());



void push_back(value_type&& _Val)
    {   // insert by moving into element at end
    if (_Inside(_STD addressof(_Val)))
        {   // push back an element
        size_type _Idx = _STD addressof(_Val) - _Unfancy(this->_Myfirst());
        if (this->_Mylast() == this->_Myend())
        _Orphan_range(this->_Mylast(), this->_Mylast());
            _STD forward<value_type>(this->_Myfirst()[_Idx]));
        {   // push back a non-element
        if (this->_Mylast() == this->_Myend())
        _Orphan_range(this->_Mylast(), this->_Mylast());
            _STD forward<value_type>(_Val));


So, as per my understanding, both first push_back ( v.push_back(str);

) and second push_back ( v.push_back(std::move(str));

) will call the vector to construct the type variable std::string

and attach it to the vector.

So, in fact, in both calls to push_back, the line was not copied. And for both push_backs, the costs are the same because both calls basically do the same thing, except that the second push_back will make the input str


In terms of efficiency, the only difference I can think of is that the second push_back will not call delete [] cstring; in the destructor of std :: string, which makes the second call to push_back a little more efficient.

Not sure if my understanding is correct. Many thanks!


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2 answers

The difference is here:

        _STD forward<value_type>(_Val));





Now that forward<value_type>

actually calls std::move

on std::string


In one case, we build a std::string

on std::string const&

, and in the other, on std::string &&


So, to see the difference, we have to examine what these two different constructors do.


usually implemented with SBO (Small Buffer Optimization). If the string is short (a dozen characters), the string is stored in std::string


If it is longer, std::string

a pointer to it is stored instead .

If you have an SBO active, both move and copy copies of the bytes. Move can then clear the source.

std::string(std::string const&)

in the case of non-SBO, perform an allocation and duplicate the buffer containing the characters.

std::string(std::string &&)

in the case of non-SBO, moves the pointer to the target and empties the source. No memory allocation occurs and zero bytes are copied.

This is what the overload provides push_back(&&)




Except for optimizations such as "Small Line", std::basic_string

contains what is basically a pointer to a dynamically allocated area for characters in a string. This copy is eliminated because the moved object could simply steal the moved pointer rather than allocate it and copy the data.



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