Curl error: OpenSSL SSL_read: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, errno 54

I keep getting this error, I am running OS X, PHP71, Apache 2.4, OpenSSL

php -i | grep "SSL version" returns SSL version => OpenSSL / 1.0.2k

PHP and CURL are installed like this:

$ brew install --with-openssl curl

$ brew install --with-homebrew-curl --with-httpd24 php71



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3 answers

if it happens during the installation of laravel manor then the following command solved my problem:

vagrant box add laravel / homestead

not only: vagrant box add laravel / homestead

Thanks Aman Ullah



I had the same problem. In case anyone else comes across this, I got it working with:

vagrant box add laravel / homestead -c --insecure

Options used:

-c or - clean Clean up all temporary boot files

- insecure Do not check SSL certificates

Or maybe you need to turn on the VPN server.



I had this problem and it worked after several tries, causing the download process to resume every time.

Just a guess - but it could be due to unstable Wi-Fi and the download process is particularly unfavorable for it.

I live in a brick building that is made of bricks containing lead ... that's rough, okay ...



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