Using Pandas crosstab with naval stacks

I am trying to create a stacked barplot in the sea using my framework.

I first created a crosstab table in pandas like so:

pd.crosstab(df['Period'], df['Mark'])


which returns:

  Mark            False  True  
Period BASELINE    583    132
       WEEK 12     721      0 
       WEEK 24     589    132 
       WEEK 4      721      0


I would like to use the seabed to create a complex comparison chart and this is what I used for the rest of my graphs. I have struggled to do this as I am unable to index the crosstab.

I managed to make the plot I want in pandas using .plot.barh(stacked=True)

but no luck with the seabed. Any ideas how I can do this?



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2 answers

The guy who made Seaborn doesn't like folding histograms (but this link has a hack that uses Seaborn + Matplotlib to do them anyway).

If you're willing to accept a grouped histogram instead of a stacked one, here's one approach:

 # first some sample data
 import numpy as np 
 import pandas as pd
 import seaborn as sns

 N = 1000
 mark = np.random.choice([True,False], N)
 periods = np.random.choice(['BASELINE','WEEK 12', 'WEEK 24', 'WEEK 4'], N)

 df = pd.DataFrame({'mark':mark,'period':periods})
 ct = pd.crosstab(df.period, df.mark)

 mark      False  True 
 BASELINE    118    111
 WEEK 12     117    149
 WEEK 24     117    130
 WEEK 4      127    131

 # now stack and reset
 stacked = ct.stack().reset_index().rename(columns={0:'value'})

 # plot grouped bar chart
 sns.barplot(x=stacked.period, y=stacked.value, hue=stacked.mark)


grouped histogram



As you said, you can use pandas to generate a stacked stroke plot. The argument that you want to have a "marine plot" doesn't matter, since every plot on the seabed and every pandas plot is, after all, just matplotlib objects, since the plotting tools of both libraries are just matplotlib camouflage skins ...

So here's the complete solution (taking data from @ andrew_reece's answer).

import numpy as np 
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

n = 500
mark = np.random.choice([True,False], n)
periods = np.random.choice(['BASELINE','WEEK 12', 'WEEK 24', 'WEEK 4'], n)

df = pd.DataFrame({'mark':mark,'period':periods})
ct = pd.crosstab(df.period, df.mark)


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