Column column filling CSV table behaves differently using SSIS

I have a CSV file

**date column**


I just load this file from a Csv file into a database table using SSIS

Flat file source for OLEDB destination

where the date column is absolutely DT_STR and the SQL table column is varchar (50)

But it behaves differently when I boot, sometimes it fills up like

  **date column**


and at other times, for example

 **date column**


I'm just trying to load the same as the Flat file, but why does it sometimes give "-". Can anyone suggest me why it behaves differently every time. It has no transforms (like Derived Columns) in SSIS


source to share

1 answer

You need to convert these values ​​to DateTime and then to String with the required format yyyy-MM-dd

usingScriptComponent Transformation

  • Create Flat File connection manager

    and OLEDB Connection Manager

    (source and destination)
  • Add to DataFlow Task

  • In DataFlow Task

    add Flat File Source

    , Script Component

    ,OLEDB Destination

  • your DataFlow should look like Source --> Script --> Destination

  • In the Script component Mark the "Time" column as input (assuming it's a name inDateColumn

    ) and add the output column (ex:) of the OutDateColumn


  • In Script Write the following code: (using

    Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)  
        If Not Row.inDateColumn_IsNull AndAlso _
            Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Row.inDateColumn.Trim) Then
            ' You can add more formats inside the following method
            Row.OutDateColumn = DateTime.ParseExact(Row.inDateColumn.Trim,New String(){"yyyy-MM-dd","dd/MM/yyyy"},New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("En-GB"), System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
            Row.OutDateColumn_IsNull = True
        End If
    End Sub 

  • Map OutDateColumn

    to destination column



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