Ember-simple-auth, acceptance tests and awaiting asynchronous actions

Fighting acceptance tests. Started with a basic login test:

import { test } from 'qunit';
import moduleForAcceptance from 'static/tests/helpers/module-for-acceptance';

moduleForAcceptance('Acceptance | authentication');

test('login', function(assert) {
  andThen(function() {

  fillIn('.login-form__email-block input', "ruz@email.com");
  fillIn('.login-form__password-block input', "qwe");

  andThen(function() {
    assert.equal(find('.nav-bar__profile-link').text(), "some");


The problem is that the andThen callback is called before the authentication is complete. This is a jQuery ajax request and a few promises after. From what I can see, ember is waiting for the ajax request to complete, but not waiting for the promises to be allowed / denied. Should this test work out of the box? Should I write custom waiter?


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1 answer

Sounds like your promises might be misconfigured? But no, you should be able to write tests with acceptance test helpers and you shouldn't need to worry about resolving asynchronous calls (or promises)



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