Parallel processing: @ everywhere, distributions and types

I recently started learning about parallel processing in Julia and I got a problem that I really don't understand how to fix.

After running Julia with, julia -p 4

I want to load the Distributions module in all processes, and I would like to define a type that depends on the distributions.

The following seems to work correctly when I enable it:

 @everywhere using Distributions

 type TypeDistrib{T <: Float64}


If I write exactly the same code as the module, then it is not:

 module test

    @everywhere using Distributions

    type TypeDistrib{T <: Float64}

    export TypeDistrib


The above message displays the following error message:

ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: Allocations are not defined in include_from_node1 (:: String) on. /loading.jl:488 to include_from_node1 (:: String) to / Applications / Julia :? when loading /***/test.jl, in an expression starting on line 4

Could you please clarify what I am doing wrong here?

Note. I replaced the full path in the error message with *** as it was confusing.


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1 answer

@everywhere something

evaluates something

in the main module for all processes. And in this case, not in the module test

, and therefore the error is in the second case, and not in the first.


@everywhere module test
    using Distributions

    type TypeDistrib{T <: Float64}

    export TypeDistrib


does what is meant.



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