Forgot password by email reset php works except that neither original nor changed password allow login

I created a forgotten php password change function for my login system that sends an email to a user who has forgotten their password and gives a link using a hash token to change their password. Once the user has selected the email link, they will be able to change their password and then update mysql with the new hashed password.

Every aspect of the code seems to work correctly until I try to log in with a new password. I am getting echo that "wrong username and password combination" (found on LOGIN.PHP page). Trying original echos password same error as on LOGIN.PHP page.

Not really clear why my sql query doesn't match the updated password with the existing username and allow login?

To simplify the analysis of the code, I have excluded those parts that I believe are not a problem. I have included 5 php files.


if (!isset($_GET['email'])) {
    echo '<form action="">//Form for password reset here</form>';

define('DB_USER', '');
define('DB_PASS', '');
define('DB_NAME', '');

$email = $_GET['email'];

function connect()
//Connect to db

$q = "SELECT email FROM users WHERE LCASE(TRIM(email))='" . strtolower(trim($email)) . "'";
$r = mysql_query($q);
$n = mysql_num_rows($r);

if ($n == 0) {
    echo "Email id is not registered";


//token updated into sql db for user
    $q="UPDATE users SET token=('".$token."') WHERE email=('".$email."')";

function getRandomString($length) 

//token created
//email creation code here




//Define db connection parameters


function connect() {

//Connection to db executed


    $q="SELECT email FROM users WHERE token='".$token."' and used='0'";


If ($email!=''){

    else die("Invalid link or Password already changed");}



echo '
//Change password form


//Update sql db with newly created password
$q="UPDATE users SET password='".md5($password)."' WHERE email='".$email."'";

if($r)mysql_query("UPDATE users SET used='1' WHERE token='".$token."'");echo "Your password is changed successfully";
if(!$r)echo "An error occurred";


LOGIN.PHP (displays an error message)

<div id="loginContainer">
<div id="loginMessage">
        <?php if ( $logged == 'invalid' ) : ?>
            <p class="name_pass">
                The username/password combination is incorrect. Try again.
        <?php endif; ?>
        <?php if ( $_GET['reg'] == 'true' ) : ?>
            <p class="success">Your registration was successful, please login below.
        <?php endif; ?>
        <?php if ( $_GET['action'] == 'logout' ) : ?>
            <?php if ( $loggedout == true ) : ?>
                <p class="log_out">You have been successfully logged out.
            <?php else: ?>
                <p class="problem">There was a problem logging you out.
            <?php endif; ?>
        <?php endif; ?>
        <?php if ( $_GET['msg'] == 'login' ) : ?>
            <p class="must_login">You must login to view this content. Please login below.
        <?php endif; ?>


CLASS.PHP (login function)

        function login($redirect) {
        global $jdb;

        if ( !empty ( $_POST ) ) {

            $values = $jdb->clean($_POST);

            $subname = $values['username'];
            $subpass = $values['password'];

            $table = 'users';

            $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE username = '" . $subname . "'";
            $results = $jdb->select($sql);

            if (!$results) {
                die('Sorry, that username does not exist!');

            $results = mysql_fetch_assoc( $results );

            $storeg = $results['date'];

            $stopass = $results['password'];

            $nonce = md5('registration-' . $subname . $storeg . NONCE_SALT);

            $subpass = $jdb->hash_password($subpass, $nonce);

            if ( $subpass == $stopass ) {

                $authnonce = md5('cookie-' . $subname . $storeg . AUTH_SALT);
                $authID = $jdb->hash_password($subpass, $authnonce);

                setcookie('logauth[user]', $subname, 0, '', '', '', true);
                setcookie('logauth[authID]', $authID, 0, '', '', '', true);

                $url = "http" . ((!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) ? "s" : "") . "://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
                $redirect = str_replace('login.php', $redirect, $url);

                header("Location: $redirect");
            } else {
                return 'invalid';
        } else {
            return 'empty';


INDEX.PHP (landing page after successful login)

$logged = $j->checkLogin();

if ( $logged == false ) {
    //Build our redirect
    $url = "http" . ((!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) ? "s" : "") . "://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    $redirect = str_replace('index.php', 'login.php', $url);

    //Redirect to the home page
    header("Location: $redirect?msg=login");
} else {
    //Grab our authorization cookie array
    $cookie = $_COOKIE['logauth'];

    //Set our user and authID variables
    $user = $cookie['user'];
    $authID = $cookie['authID'];

    //Query the database for the selected user
    $table = 'users';
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE username = '" . $user . "'";
    $results = $jdb->select($sql);

    //Kill the script if the submitted username doesn't exit
    if (!$results) {
        die('Sorry, that username does not exist!');

    //Fetch our results into an associative array
    $results = mysql_fetch_assoc( $results );


Thanks for any help. I appreciate anyone who wants to take a look at the code to help me figure out this last part of my login process. Thank.


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1 answer

In your reset.php file you store the unsaved MD5 of the password ...

$q="UPDATE users SET password='".md5($password)."' WHERE email='".$email."'";


... but then you compare it to something else ...

$subpass = $values['password']; // seems to be the entered password
$stopass = $results['password']; // seems to be the stored MD5 password hash
$subpass = $jdb->hash_password($subpass, $nonce); // probably not an unsalted MD5
if ( $subpass == $stopass ) // comparison of different things


Even if you make this code work, it will be a very dangerous decision. Instead, you should absolutely switch to the password hash functions built into PHP. The DB field should be varchar(255)

, then the code may look something like this:

// Hash a new password for storing in the database.
// The function automatically generates a cryptographically safe salt.
$hashToStoreInDb = password_hash($_POST['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
$q="UPDATE users SET password='".$hashToStoreInDb."' WHERE email='".$email."'";


To verify the password, you need to get the hash from the database and compare it to password_verify, so the comparison will be done with the same salt used to store the hash.

// Check if the hash of the entered login password, matches the stored hash.
// The salt and the cost factor will be extracted from $stopass.
$subpass = $values['password'];
$stopass = $results['password'];
$isPasswordCorrect = password_verify($subpass, $stopass);
if ($isPasswordCorrect)


Another problem in your code is SQL injection, you can avoid this vulnerability with prepared statements. An example with MySqli or PDO can be found in another answer .



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