Node Js Express Validator Check if field is numeric if not empty

I am using express-validator to validate message fields, one of the fields must be decimal or empty. I used this scheme:

        'product_price': {
            optional: true,
            isDecimal: {
                errorMessage: 'The product price must be a decimal'


The problem with this schema is not to check my post if the product_price is empty, even with "optional: true".


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2 answers

You need to set an option checkFalsy

for optional

to allow certain but empty values:

  'product_price': {
    optional: {
      options: { checkFalsy: true }
    isDecimal: {
      errorMessage: 'The product price must be a decimal'




Worked for me req.checkBody('optionalParam', 'optionalParam must be a number').optional().isNumber();



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