MDX: Combining Results for Different Criteria

I am new to MDX queries and am working in SSAS. I have two queries that work as expected, but I want their result to be combined into a single result. The two queries differ in the cities selected by their proposals, but they both come from the same cube and use the same measure.

A_to_B : supply city ​​A to consumer city B

SELECT { [Measures].[Quantity - Transactions] } ON COLUMNS,
       { [Tb Product].[Name].[Name].ALLMEMBERS } ON ROWS
FROM [Cube]
WHERE ([Tb Supplier].[City].&[A],
       [Tb Consumer].[City].&[B])


B_to_A : supplier city B to consumer city A

SELECT { [Measures].[Quantity - Transactions] } ON COLUMNS,
       { [Tb Product].[Name].[Name].ALLMEMBERS } ON ROWS
FROM [Cube]
WHERE ([Tb Supplier].[City].&[B],
       [Tb Consumer].[City].&[A])


Is there a way to have these queries output side-by-side with Product like this? In SQL, I would use FULL OUTER JOIN, but I cannot figure out the equivalent in MDX.

| | A_to_B | B_to_A |
| ProductA | 10 | 2 |
| ProductB | 100 | 0 |
| ProductC | 0 | 99 |

source to share

3 answers

Just move you. Where are the instructions in the columns:

{[Measures].[Quantity - Transactions]} *
    ([Tb Supplier].[City].&[B], [Tb Consumer].[City].&[A]),
    ([Tb Supplier].[City].&[A], [Tb Consumer].[City].&[B])
} on 0,
{[Tb Product].[Name].[Name].AllMembers} on 1
From [Cube]


You can create design members to combine two tuples:


Member [Tb Supplier].[City].[B2A] as
Aggregate([Tb Supplier].[City].&[B], [Tb Consumer].[City].&[A])

Member [Tb Supplier].[City].[A2B] as
Aggregate([Tb Supplier].[City].&[A], [Tb Consumer].[City].&[B])

    {[Tb Supplier].[City].[A2B],[Tb Supplier].[City].[B2A]} on 0
From [Cube]
Where ([Measures].[Quantity - Transactions])




I tested this script and it was throwing an exception:

    {[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]}
      {[Geography].[Geography].[Country].&[United States] * [Product].[Category].&[1]}
     ,{[Geography].[Geography].[Country].&[France] * [Product].[Category].&[3]}
    } ON 0
 ,{[Date].[Calendar].[Date].&[20070801]} ON 1
FROM [Adventure Works];


This message:

Request (5, 7) The function expects an expression of a set of tuples for 1 argument. A string or numeric expression was used.

This is because you need to make both sides of the cross join a specific set - without extra parentheses, it doesn't know this and throws an exception.

So this is the "ideal" version of the script:

    {[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]}
      {[Geography].[Geography].[Country].&[United States]} * {[Product].[Category].&[1]}
     ,{[Geography].[Geography].[Country].&[France]} * {[Product].[Category].&[3]}
    } ON 0
 ,{[Date].[Calendar].[Date].&[20070801]} ON 1
FROM [Adventure Works];


I'd rather move the measure to the WHERE clause, and also get rid of some of the redundant curly braces:

      {[Geography].[Geography].[Country].&[United States]}
  } ON 0
 ,[Date].[Calendar].[Date].&[20070801] ON 1
FROM [Adventure Works]
  [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount];


Transferred to your cube:

    {[Tb Supplier].[City].&[B]} * {[Tb Consumer].[City].&[A]}
    {[Tb Supplier].[City].&[A]} * {[Tb Consumer].[City].&[B]}
  } ON 0
 ,[Tb Product].[Name].[Name].ALLMEMBERS ON 1
FROM [Cube]
  [Measures].[Quantity - Transactions];




Based on the others, zeros followed by zeros in the output can be found here.


Member [Tb Supplier].[City].[B2A] as
Aggregate([Tb Supplier].[City].&[B], [Tb Consumer].[City].&[A])

Member [Tb Supplier].[City].[A2B] as
Aggregate([Tb Supplier].[City].&[A], [Tb Consumer].[City].&[B])

Member [Measures].[Quantity_Transactions] as
    Iif( IsEmpty( [Measures].[Quantity - Transactions] ), 
    [Measures].[Quantity - Transactions] )

    { [Measures].[Quantity_Transactions] } *
    { [Tb Supplier].[City].[B2A], 
      [Tb Supplier].[City].[A2B] } on COLUMNS
    , [Tb Product].[Name].[Name].ALLMEMBERS ON ROWS
FROM [Cube]




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