Erlang NoDistribution error

I ran into a problem and hope someone can help me.

I am trying to run net_kernel




But I ran into this error:


=INFO REPORT==== 23-Apr-2017::21:07:43 ===
Protocol: "inet_tcp": register/listen error: econnrefused


Awesome tip: when trying to run net_kernel


erl -sname test



will start successfully

and one more great tip: after running net_kernel

at least once after booting the OS and exiting from the erl command line, the first way to start net_kernel

will work successfully: |

( net_kernel:start([...]) )


after some searching I found that CouchBase and RabbitMQ-Server and Ejabberd and some other apps that use erlang reported this error (distribution error)


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1 answer

You don't have epmd running, that will be what it says econnrefused

. When you start net_kernel

it wants to register the name with epmd in order to find node.

Make sure net_kernel

the epmd process is running on startup and I'm sure the problem goes away.

In terms of work erl -sname test

, I expect epmd to start for you?



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