ITunes Connect won't let me create a new version of an existing app

When I try to add a new version of an existing app to iTunes Connect for iOS, I get the following error: "Your changes could not be saved. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact us." I've tried many different store version numbers, so that's not the problem.

I can create tvOS update without issue, but that still doesn't help with iOS.

This happened in two of my applications that I would like to update. The problem started a little earlier than the downtime around April 22nd (which I thought might be causing it).

Does anyone come across something similar or know a workaround?


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2 answers

Apple fixed the issue after I submitted an itunesconnect support request. It had to grow into a development group, so it took about a week.

Everything works now. They didn't say, but I'm guessing it was due to trying to create a new assembly when they started serving on the server.



I had the same problem and resolved it by logging in with a different user and saving the new version.

enter image description here



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