Javascript regex: only matches end of text

I would like to find out multi-line texts ending in "Tr", "Br" and linebreak ("\ n") without the "_" character (none-whitespace and underscore). Exmples

Text 1:

Command1 Br 
Command2 Tr 

"Command1 Br \nCommand2 Tr " //match "Tr " at the end


Text 2:

Command3 con Tr 
Command4 Br 

"Command3 con Tr \nCommand4 Br " //match "Br " at the end


Text 3:

Command2 Tr 
Command3 con Br 
Command4 C_

"Command2 Tr \nCommand3 con Br \nCommand4 C_\n" //match "\n" at the end after C_


Text 4:

Command1 Tr 
Command1 Br 
Command2 Tr _

"Command1 Tr \nCommand1 Br \nCommand2 Tr _\n" //no match because of " _" preceded "\n"


Text 5:

Command1 Tr 
Command1 Br 
Command2 mt

"Command1 Tr \nCommand1 Br \nCommand2 mt\n" //match \n at the end after "mt"


Text 6:

Command2 ht

"\n\nCommand2 ht\n" //match \n at the end after "ht"



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1 answer

You can use the following regular expression to extract these matches:

/(?:^| [^_]|[^ ]_|[^ ][^_])([BT]r|\n)[\t ]*$/


See regex demo .

More details

  • (?:^| [^_]|[^ ]_|[^ ][^_])

    - non-capturing group matching one of three alternatives:
    • ^

      - beginning of line
    • |

      - or
    • [^_]

      - space and any char, but _

    • |

      - or
    • [^ ]_

      - any char, but space and _

    • |

      - or
    • [^ ][^_]

      - any char but space and then any char but _

      (thus no space

      + _

  • ([BT]r|\n)

    - Capture Group 1: Either Br

    , Tr

    or newline
  • [\t ]*

    - horizontal spaces 0+ (can be replaced with [^\S\r\n]

    for better white space)
  • $

    - the very end of the line.

var ss = ["Command1 Br \nCommand2 Tr ", "Command3 con Tr \nCommand4 Br ", "Command2 Tr \nCommand3 con Br \nCommand4 C_\n",
"Command1 Tr \nCommand1 Br \nCommand2 Tr _\n", "Command1 Tr \nCommand1 Br \nCommand2 mt\n", "\n\nCommand2 ht\n"];
var rx = /(?:^| [^_]|[^ ]_|[^ ][^_])([BT]r|\n)[\t ]*$/;
for (var s of ss) {
console.log("Looking for a match in: " + s);
  m = rx.exec(s);
  if (m) {
     console.log("Found: " + JSON.stringify(m[1], 0, 4));
  } else {
     console.log("No Match Found.");

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