How can I deploy event when there is dst update in timezone

we have iot devices deployed in customer locations around the world. it should give some hardcopy monitoring data in daily weekly and monthly reports in our web dashboard. the problem in some time zones has a day savings, so these clients require it to be based on dst.

what we want to try

  • get a list of time zones that we are using
  • whenever dst is updated in timezone update, the time is on the device

but we can learn how to trigger event for dst updates in different time zones, we can use python, ruby ​​or shell or any command line tools that help.

UPDATE based on @rici's answer I googled about zdump and found this

this answer will give when DST starts and ends. what I am currently doing is manually setting the crontab based on this data. how can i automate scheduling tasks?


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1 answer

You can use the utility zdump

to print the current time in liat zones. If you do this every hour and check the DST indicator against the previous pin, you will see which zones have changed.

I have no idea how you can determine which mesons are important or how you determine which devices are in that time zone.



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