Regular expressions. Match a specific word between two words

I am using C #. I have a line:

wordA wordB wordC wordB wordD


I need to match all occurrences of word B between wordA and wordD. I am using lookahead and lookbehind to match all words wordA and worD like this:



But something like



nothing matches. What would be the best way to match all occurrences of wordB between wordA and wordD?


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1 answer

Place .*?

in images:



See regex demo

Now the pattern means:

  • (?<=wordA.*?)

    - (positive lookbehind) requires the presence wordA

    , followed by any 0+ characters (as few as possible) immediately before ...
  • wordB

    - word B
  • (?=.*?wordD)

    - (positive) requires any 0+ characters (as few as possible) followed wordD

    after them (so it can be immediately after wordB

    or after some characters).

If you need to account for multiline input, compile the regex with a flag RegexOptions.Singleline

so that it .

can match the newline character (or add a pattern with the inline modifier option (?s)

- (?s)(?<=wordA.*?)wordB(?=.*?wordD)


If the "words" are letters / numbers / underscores and you need to match them as whole words, remember to wrap wordA

, wordB

and wordD

with \b

(word boundaries).

Always check your regex against the target environment:

var s = "wordA wordB wordC wordB \n wordD";
var pattern = @"(?<=wordA.*?)wordB(?=.*?wordD)";
var result = Regex.Replace(s, pattern, "<<<$&>>>", RegexOptions.Singleline);
// => wordA <<<wordB>>> wordC <<<wordB>>> 
//    wordD


See C # demo .



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