Enable production mode in angular 2

I am creating a web application using Angular 2 and Firebase, I want to enable production mode.


if (environment.production) {



export const environment = {
  production: true



export const environment = {
  production: true


Then I tried ng build -prod; ng, but still doesn't work.

Thanks in advance.


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2 answers

ng build --prod

will create build artifacts in the folder /dist

- you have to put these files on another web server (i.e. don't use ng service after that).

If you just want to start your application with ng serve

, but using production mode, then use:

ng serve --prod



I don't seem to explain it very well. Your request should "enable production mode". You have two ways to do this, depending on what you are trying to do.

If you want to use the angular-cli dev server to run your application in production as a testing tool, to ensure that the run mode is working correctly, use:

ng serve --prod


If, however, you are ready to deploy your application to a production web server, then this is a two step process:

  • create a finished version of your application using: ng build --prod

  • copy the output of the folder /dist

    to your production web server

Note that I am not doing both: I use either ng build

or ng serve

, depending on what I am trying to accomplish.



I've observed this in angular-cli 1.0.0-beta.28.3

. dist

disappears on ng-serve

. If you want to keep the assembly try ng build --output-path=last-build/

and see this issue .

But the point is, you don't have to do it ng serve --prod

after creation build

. As @snorkpete says, copy the folder dist

after building the assembly to your webserver. And your web server will take care of running the application. Remeber, you will have to create a virtual host for this

... But if you just want to run it on your local machine and want to live webpack

, just do ng serve --prod

, live webpack

has nothing to do with dist

which you have.



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