PySpark fix / remove console execution bar

As you can see below, the progress bar of the Spark launcher triggers the outputs. Is there a configuration or flag that can be used to disable the scene progress bar? Or better, how do I fix the console log so that the progress bar disappears after completing the stages? This might just be a bug for PySpark, but I'm not sure.

(CID, (v1 / n1, v2 / n2))
[Stage 46:============================================>           (19 + 4) / 24]('1', (0.020000000000000035, 4.805))
('5', (6.301249999999998, 0.125))
('10', (21.78000000000001, 3.125))
('7', (0.005000000000000009, 0.6049999999999996))

(CID, sqrt(v1 / n1 + v2 / n2))
('1', 2.19658826364888)
('5', 2.5350049309616733)
('10', 4.990490957811667)
('7', 0.7810249675906652)

('7', (1.0, 5.5))
('5', (7.75, 5.3))
('10', (13.5, 6.0))
('1', (3.0, 5.0))

('7', -4.5)
('5', 2.45)
('1', -2.0)
('10', 7.5)

[Stage 100:===================================================>   (30 + 2) / 32]('10', (7.5, 4.990490957811667))
('5', (2.45, 2.5350049309616733))
('7', (-4.5, 0.7810249675906652))
('1', (-2.0, 2.19658826364888))


Sometimes it's even worse (scroll right):

$ spark-submit 
17/04/28 11:36:23 WARN Utils: Your hostname, Pandora resolves to a loopback address:; using instead (on interface wlp3s0)
17/04/28 11:36:23 WARN Utils: Set SPARK_LOCAL_IP if you need to bind to another address
17/04/28 11:36:24 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
[Stage 0:>                                                          (0 + 2                                                                          [Stage 32:=============================>                            (4 + 4[Stage 37:>                                                         (0 + 0[Stage 35:=====>           (4 + 2) / 12][Stage 37:>                 (0 + 0[Stage 35:===========>     (8 + 4) / 12][Stage 37:>                 (0 + 0[Stage 37:=======>                                                  (1 + 3[Stage 37:=============================>                            (4 + 0[Stage 36:========>       (13 + 4) / 24][Stage 37:=========>        (4 + 0[Stage 36:==============> (21 + 3) / 24][Stage 37:=========>        (4 + 1[Stage 37:====================================>                     (5 + 3[Stage 38:===================================>                    (20 + 4)[Stage 38:====================================================>   (30 + 2)                                                                          SORTED (t-value, CID)
[(-5.761659596980321, '7'), (-0.9105029072119708, '1'), (0.9664675480810896, '5'), (1.5028581483070664, '10')]



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2 answers

You can disable by setting

  • spark.ui.showConsoleProgress

    = Incorrect


  • reduce the logging level to

    higher than INFO

    , that is, toERROR

Relevant Spark Jiras:


has always been in Spark since 1.2, but will only be documented in Spark 2.2.

Sample code:

spark.conf.set('spark.ui.showConsoleProgress', False)




Tagar's answer didn't work for me in pyspark.

Here's a workaround I found for removing progress bars from the console:

from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
from pyspark.sql.session import SparkSession

conf = SparkConf().set("spark.ui.showConsoleProgress", "false")
sc = SparkContext(appName="RandomForest", conf=conf)
spark = SparkSession(sc)


Hope this helps!



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