How can I undo the next "then" in a Promise when a React component is unmounted / reused?

I am trying to reverse a promise when a React component is unmounted / reused. Right now I am facing a problem that I can better explain in the small graph below:

** Promise should complete (make AJAX requests and update reductions store accordingly)

Component is created => Installed => _onClick () started => Promises to start => Component gets unmounted but is being reworked => Promised finished => calls setState () on the reworked component and rerenders with the wrong state from the previous component.

How can I cancel / interrupt / stop the next "then" but still deliver on the promise?

    _onClick() {
        let dispatch = this.props.dispatch;

        if (!this.state.on) {
            API.On(dispatch, => {
                    on: true,
            }).catch((error) => {
                    on: false,
        } else {
            API.Off(dispatch, => {
                    on: false,
            }).catch((error) => {
                    on: true,



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1 answer

What I'll do here is just adding a conditional to the body of the promise that sets the state. You can use React lifecycle hooks to keep track of whether a given element is in the DOM or not.

Here's a quick example of a component that keeps track of whether it's mounted or not:

class Test extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (<p>hello</p>);

  componentDidMount () {
    this.mounted = true
    console.log(`mounted: ${this.mounted}`)

  componentWillUnmount () {
    this.mounted = false
    console.log(`mounted: ${this.mounted}`)


Live example:

Based on this, you should be able to add a simple if / else inside your promise handler to solve your problem!



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