Differentiates results for the same query in sql and hql

I have an app with angular and java and I am trying to get data from a database. So I am trying to get my data in hql (hibernate) but I dont have the same results in hql and sql for the same query.

This is my sql query:

FROM sales_order so
  JOIN sales_order_line sol ON so.root_so_id = sol.root_so_id
  JOIN customer cu ON cu.id = so.id_customer
  JOIN country co on co.id = cu.id_country
WHERE so.level = 1
AND sol.material_code in ('AR1MA010', 'VJCNS102088')
GROUP BY co.label, so.level;


And this is my hql query:

from SalesOrder so 
  join so.salesOrderLines sol on so.rootSoId = sol.rootSoId 
  join so.customer cu 
  join cu.country co 
where so.level = 1 
and sol.materialCode IN ('AR1MA010', 'VJCNS102088')
group by co.label, sol.level


I am trying to run these queries in the console. So, I have no problem with my code, but I am getting 2 different results.

For the SQL query, I have:

Argentina   AR1MA010    16000   2
Brazil      VJCNS102088 20      1
Romania     VJCNS102088 12      2


and for hql query I have:

Brazil  VJCNS102088 20  1
Romania VJCNS102088 1   1


Do you have an idea why?


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1 answer

The problem arises from join so.salesOrderLines sol on so.rootSoId = sol.rootSoId


With so.salesOrderLines

you create a conditional connection, and with "on" you add a second condition. But in sql you have a second condition with "on". So there are two join conditions in hql, while there is only one in sql.



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