$ (SolutionDir) and $ (SolutionPath) do not work as expected in Visual Studio 2017

I'm trying to use $(SolutionDir)

or $(SolutionPath)

on a file .csproj

in Visual Studio 2017 but they don't work as expected.

In a project like MSBuild 15 (like .NET Core, .NET Standard library), using $(SolutionDir)

in <PostBuildEvent>

works, but $(ProjectDir)

just creates an empty string.

In other elements (like AssemblyFile

in UsingTask

) it $(SolutionDir)

creates an empty string, but $(SolutionPath)

gives me the current project directory.

This is reported by Microsoft at https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/11118/postbuild-event-and-macros-issues.html , but the issue has been marked closed on the grounds that the issue was fixed in RTM, although several people reported issues with the released version.


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