Isolated area anchor types

According to AngularJS Developer's Guide - Isolating Directive Scope Directives , scope binding can be done in 3 types


, @



according to the "Directive Definition Object" on this page , scope binding can be done in 4 types


, @

, &

And <

Even in most of the online articles, dedicated scope anchor is given for only 3 types.

What is right?


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3 answers

this is the pre-angular 1.5 standard binding

=, @ and &


from angular 1.5 with new component based architecture concept this binding was introduced



which represents one way binding.



We create a custom directive using =, @ and &


Later angular 1.5: Introduced Angularjs Component is a special kind of directive that uses a simpler configuration that suits the structure of component based applications.

The symbol <

denotes one-way bindings available since 1.5. The difference with = is that bound properties in component scoped are not visible, which means that if you assign a new value to a property in component scoped, it will not update the parent scope.



I think there are 3 types:

= for bi-directional binding (for example, a parent directive shares a property with its child)

@ to bind one direction (for example, the parent directive sends params to its child)

& to bind the function (so that the child can call the function declared in the scope of its parent directive)



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