Angular server side rendering cli without ng output

According to this article , the only way to achieve good server-side rendering with the Angular 4 framework is to set up a custom webpack configuration after running ng eject

in the Angular cli project.

Perhaps this question is naive, but is there a way to keep the default cli webpack config files and also take advantage of server side rendering?

I'm a newbie when it comes to webpack, so I prefer not to pull from the cli.


This blog post is a really good resource. However, I am now waiting for the @ angular / material library to be compatible with Angular universal (it has not yet appeared, but should be available soon).


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1 answer

Angular-CLI does not currently support server side rendering. You can check out for more details . So he is waiting for Angular Universal support like here .

You can now use Universal-CLI , which is a fork from Angular -CLI supporting Angular Universal.

Hope for this help!



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