Getting employees in every department with LINQ LAMBDA

I am trying to combine two employees and a table department using LINQ and trying to get the results in the below image format. Can anyone help how to achieve this.

enter image description here

how to achieve success in the work of employees in each department.

Here is my code

var EmpList = (from d in Department
 join e in Employee on d.ID equals e.ID
 select new
   ID = d.ID, Name = d.Name, Location = d.location,  Employess =  
   e.FirstName, e.LastName, e.Gender


The above code is incompletely written. I don't understand how to achieve this.

var elist = from d in db.Departments
                    join e in db.Employees on d.ID equals e.ID
                    group d by e.DepartmentId into g
                    select new { Details = g };



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1 answer

Assuming you have a structure like this:

var depts = new[] {
    new Dept { ID = 1, Name = "IT", Location = "New York" },
    new Dept { ID = 2, Name = "HR", Location = "London" },
    new Dept { ID = 3, Name = "Payroll", Location = "Sydney" }

var employees = new[] {
    new Employee { ID = 1, FirstName = "Mark", DeptID = 1 },
    new Employee { ID = 2, FirstName = "Steve", DeptID = 3 },
    new Employee { ID = 3, FirstName = "Ben", DeptID = 1 },
    new Employee { ID = 4, FirstName = "Philip", DeptID = 2 },
    new Employee { ID = 5, FirstName = "Mary", DeptID = 2 },
    new Employee { ID = 6, FirstName = "Valarie", DeptID = 3 },
    new Employee { ID = 7, FirstName = "John", DeptID = 1 }


You can use LINQ Join and GroupBy to get the required data:

var result = depts
    .Join(employees.GroupBy(x => x.DeptID), dept => dept.ID, empGroup => empGroup.Key,
        (dept, empGroup) => new { 
            Name = dept.Name, 
            Location = dept.Location, 
            Employees = empGroup.ToArray() 


Or the same thing in SQL type syntax:

var result = from dept in depts
             join empGroup in (
                from e in employees
                group e by e.DeptID into g
                select g
             ) on dept.ID equals empGroup.Key
             select new { 
                Name = dept.Name, 
                Location = dept.Location, 
                Employees = empGroup.ToArray()


What does it actually do?

  • Employees are grouped DeptID

  • The departments combine with this grouping and result in the collection of anonymous objects in the desired format. You can of course use a strongly typed class.


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