React JS-trigger event on specific state value

How can I trigger an event from the parent component when its child component state has a specific value?

For example: let's say I have a parent component and a child component where the parent state has an activeIndex property and the child state has an activeTask property.

I want to call the parent props.handleNextChild method if the active state property of the child state is 3.

How should I do it?


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3 answers

When the state or props of your component changes, the lifecycle method is componentDidUpdate

called after the update is complete, so you can pass handleNextChild

as a prop to your child:

class Parent extends Component {
    handleNextChild() {
      //do whatever

    render() {
      return (
        <Child callback={() => handleNextChild()} /> //arrow for lexical bind
        //more stuff


and change the class of child components:

class Child extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.callbackHandled = false

  // ...child class code...

  componentDidUpdate() {
    if (this.state.activeTask === 3) {
    this.callbackHandled = false;
    this.setState({ activeTask: resetValue }, () => {
      if (!this.callbackHandled) {
        this.callbackHandled = true;

  render() {
    // render your child component...


This will happen when your state activeTask

changes to 3. However, as long as it activeTask

remains at 3, it will run on every update, so if you want it to run only once, be sure setState

to reset activeTask

before you call callback

as I did ... I used the callback version setState

and nstance variable to ensure that the state is set before the callback is called (aka :) handleNextChild

, to avoid calling it multiple times, and to ensure that the child gets processed exactly once every time it is activeTask

set by 3.



There is no direct way to achieve this, create a callback on the parent and pass it to the child using props. Then keep checking in case the required condition is met and then calls the callback.



class Parent extends Component {
    handleNextChild = () => {
            // parent logic comes here
    render() {
        return (
                <Child handleNextChild = this.handleNextChild />



class Child extends Component {
    onChange = () => {
            if(this.state.activeTask === 3){ 




So I changed my application logic: just set the active child index to my json data and use it as state

@Statements = React.createClass
  displayName: 'Statements'
  getInitialState: ->
    statements: @props.statements
    attempt: @props.attempt
    activeIndex: @props.attempt.active_statement

  updateStates: (data) ->
    @setState activeIndex: data.attempt.active_statement
    @setState attempt: data.attempt
    @setState statements: data.statements




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