Setting up the target ViewController without Segues

I am using Clean-Swift architecture (Clean-Swift page ). I saw that I can use most of the ViewController interface I have. For example, I have one ViewController to load one image. Until there are many ViewControllers, this is chaos creating segues from all over the place to them.

I know you can instantiate the target ViewController and then push it, but it will give up the Clean-Swift philosophy as scenes can only send data through a router. But the passDataToNextScene function requires the Segue as parameter.

So, I would like to know if there is a way that gives two scenes with its respectful routers, with any segue generated via StoryBoard sending data to the targets view manager.



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1 answer

Instead of using a segue, let the router get data from the current interactor (define the protocol RouterDatasource

that matches Interactor

), and let the router configure the destination view controller:

// Router code
let requiredData = datasource.getRequiredData()
destinationViewController.requiredData = requiredData




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