OCLint generates html report error

I am trying to generate html report from analysis OCLint

. I installed xctool

and generated the file json

using this command:

xcodebuild -workspace SecondHand.xcworkspace  -scheme SecondHand -sdk iphonesimulator  build | tee xcodebuild.log | xcpretty -r json-compilation-database --output compile_commands.json


OCLint scripts have a report type parameter, so I can generate an html report with this command:

oclint-json-compilation-database -- -max-priority-1 10000 -max-priority-2 10000 -max-priority-3 10000 -rc LONG_LINE=150 -report-type pmd -o oclint.xml


but here's the error with this command:

localhost:SecondHand liyaowei$ oclint-json-compilation-database -- -max-priority-1 10000 -max-priority-2 10000 -max-priority-3 10000 -rc LONG_LINE=150 -report-type pmd -o oclint.xml
1 error generated.
1 error generated.


oclint: error: cannot open output report file: oclint: error: cannot open report output file /Users/liyaowei/Desktop/ffstpcommon_V1.6.0/SecondHand/oclint.xml


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