Alexa does not recognize some of the slot values ββthat depend on sample statements
I created an Amazon Alexa skill that has one intent (MyIntent) and two custom slots (SlotA and SlotB). The intent scheme looks like this:
"intents": [
"intent": "Foo",
"slots": [
"name": "CustomA",
"type": "CUSTOM_A"
"name": "CustomB",
"type": "CUSTOM_B"
Each slot has a pair of values, for example SlotA with
865985 710000 927291 514000
and SlotB with
My example statements look like this:
MyIntent foo bar {SlotA}
MyIntent bar baz {SlotB}
MyIntent {SlotA}
MyIntent {SlotB}
The problem is that Alexa does not recognize some of my slot values ββlike "bed" but recognizes others as "kitchen". This applies to both types of slots.
Interestingly, all meanings are recognized if I keep only simple example statements and remove those that include phrases, and my example statements look like this:
MyIntent {SlotA}
MyIntent {SlotB}
The order of meanings or sample statements does not matter. I've tried every combination. Also, the presence of two slots (combining all the values ββof the slots in one) does not make any difference.
Why do sample sentences with phrases block recognition of some slot values?
By "not recognizing" I mean that user input is not displayed in MyIntent. While I'm in the dialog (session), I just get the SessionEndedRequest.
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Amazon had a bug in their system that prevented it from building the language recognition correctly. After the bug has been removed, everything is fine again. Here is an email from Amazon support:
We recently created new tools to help you build and test your skills. The new features unintentionally affected a small number of skills. We fixed the issue yesterday and all living skills should work as expected. Please write here if you have any more questions and we will monitor and provide assistance. For developmental skills, you can fix this problem by clicking "Save in Interaction" or the "Model Model" tab in beta. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
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