Using constexpr to check literal parameters in a constructor

I started experimenting with constexpr

What I'm trying to achieve is to validate the literal

numerical values โ€‹โ€‹presented as ctor parameters.
I started with the following, casting when plotting MyStruct

with a value <= 4.

constexpr int validate(int v)
  return (v > 4) ? v : throw exception();

struct MyStruct final
  constexpr MyStruct(const int v)
    : _v{validate(v)}

  void add(int toAdd)
    _v += toAdd;

  int _v;

int main(int argc, char**)
  constexpr MyStruct a{500};  // ok so far...
  a.add(argc);                // ...nope 
  MyStruct b{500};            // check at runtime :(
  MyStruct c{argc};           // runtime check ok


The labeling MyStruct

both constexpr

works as expected, but it prevents the call add

since it hasn't changed.

I think it can be done as I am only targeting literal values โ€‹โ€‹(known at compile time).
I would like to avoid templates.


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1 answer

Function arguments are not const expression: - /

You can pass std::integral_constant<std::size_t, 4u>

to allow compile-time checking inside the constructor:

struct MyStruct final
    // For runtime or constexpr usage.
    constexpr MyStruct(int v) : _v{validate(v)} {}

    // For compile-time values
    template <std::size_t N>
    constexpr MyStruct(std::integral_constant<std::size_t, N>) : _v{N}
        static_assert(N > 4, "Unexpected");

    // ...


and then

MyStruct b{std::integral_constant<std::size_t, 500>{}};




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