" of an image in the Image2 ckeditor plugin? I am using the image2 plugin with CKeditor, I come to ...">

Is it possible to change the wrapping "<div>" of an image in the Image2 ckeditor plugin?

I am using the image2 plugin with CKeditor, I come to a case where I cannot use the "Div" as an image wrapper.

Image2 plugin uses "Div" wrapper on Image tag when Captioned widget is used with central algorithm

Sort of: Caption with centered widgets

│ center │<wrapper class="center"><div class="center">
│        │ <figure /><figure />
│        │</wrapper></div>                           |


So is it possible to replace this "Div" wrapper with any other tag?


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1 answer

The html code should close the shape.

 <wrapper class="center">


And the jQuery code replaces all wrapper tags that contain the center class.

 <script type="text/javascript">
    $("wrapper.center").each(function() {
      $(this).replaceWith( "<div class="+ $( this ).attr('class') +">" + $(this).html() + "</div>" );


If you only want to remove one specific tag then jQuery will.

 <script type="text/javascript">
     $("wrapper.center").replaceWith( "<div class="+ $( this ).attr('class') +">" + $(this).html() + "</div>" );




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