How do I properly deploy my Laravel application from my local environment to my remote server?

I am new to Laravel and I have the following doubts.

I need to port a Laravel 5.4 application that I developed from my local environment to my remote server.

Can I do it like this?

  • Take the entire directory containing my local application and upload it to the / var / www / html directory of my remote server.

  • Export my local database and import to my remote database.

  • Modify the contents of the .env file .

The application should now be running on my remote server. Is this correct or am I missing something and I need to do something else?


source to share

2 answers

you may need to update some packages on the remote server for Laravel to work properly. More details here:



here are the steps

Installing shared hosting

  • Unzip the main zip file and download your public_html folder (also download the vendor folder)

  • Give 777 recursive storage and download / folder permission

  • Create database in phpmyadmin and import .sql file

  • Install database in .env file

  • Move all files of the shared folder to the root folder (public_html or your website folder).
  • open index.php

Replace these lines with

 require __DIR__."/../bootstrap/autoload.php";
 $app = require_once __DIR__."/../bootstrap/app.php";



require __DIR__.'/bootstrap/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/bootstrap/app.php';


Add this line to set the public path

$app->bind('path.public', function() { return __DIR__; });

(Add this index.php)

Site ready

Installation on Linux

  • Unzip main zip file and upload your html folder (no vendor folder)

  • Grant 777 permission on storage folder / and bootstrap

  • ie The (the Linux: chmod -R 777 foldername


  • Run Linux command (composer install or composer update)
  • Create database in phpmyadmin and import .sql file from DB folder
  • Install database to .env file
  • create a virtual host to remove the shared folder from the url




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