SQLAlchemy order by hybrid property that refers to a relationship

My SQLAlchemy models:

class Cover(db.Model):
    # ... a bunch of other fields ...

    def number_of_requests(self):
        if self.requests:
            return len(self.requests)
        return 0

    def number_of_requests(cls):
        return func.count(cls.requests)

class Request(db.Model):
    # ... a bunch of other fields ...

    # Cover that this request is requesting
    cover_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('cover.id')
    cover = db.relationship('Cover',
                        backref=backref("requests", cascade="all, delete-orphan"))


So, a simple one-to-many relationship between Cover and Request. The flex property number_of_requests

should return the number of requests associated with this particular Skin.

Now, on one of my Flask routes, I'm trying to grab the top 5 Covers by Request count. This is what it looks like now:

# Get top cover requests
covers = Cover.query.order_by(Cover.number_of_requests).limit(5).all()


Unfortunately this gives

Programming ErrorError: (ProgrammingError) Missing FROM-clause entry for table query

I suspect this is because number_of_requests(cls)

I am trying to calculate the size of a list requests

, but SQLAlchemy did not include the query table in the original query. Any ideas on how to do this to avoid this error?


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1 answer

Change your part expression


def number_of_requests(cls):
    return (select([func.count(Request.id)])
            .where(Request.cover_id == cls.id))


and read again Correlated Subquery Relationship Hybrid




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