Using custom middleware redirects me to / home even if Laravel is empty
I am now out of almost any ideas.
The thing is, I have a route for the API endpoint (works fine, responds with JSON, etc.).
If I have now applied the "auth" middleware firmware to the route, I am ALWAYS redirected to the / home route. It looks like I am doing this. wrong with auth? I am wrong because:
This curious redirect also works if I am not using "auth" but custom middleware that contains NOTHING, but
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
print "WTF";
throw new AuthenticationException('Unauthenticated.');
[print and exception are never thrown! I will land again without error in / home.]
Not all middleware generates this error: for example, "auth.basic" and "web" just work fine with this route.
I also applied "web" and my own middleware as a route, according to some results I found and said that using "web" solves similar problems for them, but guess what, nothing has changed.
TL: DR: If I am using my own middleware or 'auth', I am redirected, BEFORE AFTER THE SEQUENCE.
Update: After messing around with the code and the large type from mnies, I found this very curious Bug:
If I just uncomment the AuthenticationException , suddenly my code is working as intended. Maybe loading Exception-Class is calling RedirectIfAuthenticated Middleware ?! - which is definitely called!
Easy solution now using a different exception for my custom middleware, but the problem is that by default "auth'-MW" also uses this exception and raises the same Bug.
Remember: I am not using other middleware, not just its own, does the error actually load an Exception like WTF?
So I still need help as to why this is happening!
Error: using
throw new AuthenticationException('Unauthenticated.', []);
invokes the "guest" -MW (RedirectIfAuthenticated) prompt instead of the intended MW stack! (nothing from the original MW stack is executed, regardless of order.
Update 2: It seems that RedirectIfAuthenticated is being thrown just because I redirected to the / login route earlier (and from there, as described in / home through it), but that doesn't change the problem that caused this random redirect.
[I am trying to reproduce this error on a fresh install]
Update 3: I was unable to reproduce the error on a fresh installation using Laravel 5.4.19 .... Trying to compare both installations now. D:
Using Laravel 5.3.30.
Some of my code for context:
Route::get('/admin/user/get', ['middleware' => ['simpleauth', 'web'], 'uses' => 'UserEditAdmin\Controllers\Controller@get']);
Custom middleware:
class SimpleAuth
public function __construct(){}
* Handle an incoming request.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @param \Closure $next
* @return mixed
* @throws AuthenticationException
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
print "WTF";
throw new AuthenticationException('Unauthenticated.');
'web' from Kernel.php:
protected $middlewareGroups = [
'web' => [
'api' => [
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