Return multiple relationships as one in cypher

Consider a query where one can get from node A to node D, you have to go through a couple of relationships, for example.



and I wanted to return on the fly all the possible Parks to which a person can go to their state without returning the state itself in the query so that the returned ratio looks like



In other words, like this:

enter image description here

What does the request look like?

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2 answers

You can use APOC to return a virtual relation something like this ...

MATCH (person:Person {name: 'Dave'})-[:LIVES_IN|HAS*]->(park:Park)
WITH person, park
CALL apoc.create.vRelationship(person,'CAN_VISIT',{}, park) YIELD rel
RETURN person, park, rel




If you want to get all the Parks a person can access, you can simply request:

MATCH (:Person)-[*]->(p:Parks)




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