When trying to use beforeAll in scalatest, no app running

in my test class i want to do something before all tests start, so i did something like this:

class ApplicationSpec extends FreeSpec with OneServerPerSuite with BeforeAndAfterAll {

  override protected def beforeAll(): Unit = {

  "Application Test" - {
    "first test" in {



but I am getting the error:

The exception that is thrown when starting a run in a nested set. There is no application running java.lang.RuntimeException: application not running

it only works if I try to use doSomething () inside tests ...

how can i fix this?



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1 answer

I am assuming that it doSomething()

is performing some kind of operation depending on the state of the application.

Try the following:

class ApplicationSpec extends FreeSpec with BeforeAndAfterAll with OneServerPerSuite{

  override protected def beforeAll(): Unit = {

  "Application Test" - {
    "first test" in {



The problem is that you might mixin linearization in wrong order

. In mixin

OneSerPerSuite, before BeforeAndAfterAll, the order in which it is called super.run()

is reversed, resulting in a call beforeAll()

before the application starts .

From the git repo of two projects:

 abstract override def run(testName: Option[String], args: Args): Status = {
    if (!args.runTestInNewInstance && (expectedTestCount(args.filter) > 0 || invokeBeforeAllAndAfterAllEvenIfNoTestsAreExpected))

    val (runStatus, thrownException) =
      try {
        (super.run(testName, args), None)
      catch {
        case e: Exception => (FailedStatus, Some(e))

    abstract override def run(testName: Option[String], args: Args): Status = {
    val testServer = TestServer(port, app)
    try {
      val newConfigMap = args.configMap + ("org.scalatestplus.play.app" -> app) + ("org.scalatestplus.play.port" -> port)
      val newArgs = args.copy(configMap = newConfigMap)
      val status = super.run(testName, newArgs)
      status.whenCompleted { _ => testServer.stop() }
    } catch { // In case the suite aborts, ensure the server is stopped
      case ex: Throwable =>
        throw ex


So by putting a character at the end OneServerPerSuite

, it will first initialize the application

then call super.run()

which will call the method run

inside BeforeAndAfterAll

, which will execute beforeAll()

and then call super.run()

from FreeSpec

which will execute the tests.



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