Installing flannel on Kubernete
I have installed a new Kubernetes 1.6.2 master on the same host and am now trying to start Flannel using
Stand does not rise:
$ kubectl get pods kube-flannel-ds-l6gn4 --namespace kube-system
kube-flannel-ds-l6gn4 1/2 CrashLoopBackOff 36 2h
$ kubectl logs kube-flannel-ds-l6gn4 --namespace kube-system kube-flannel
E0427 15:35:52.232093 1 main.go:127] Failed to create
SubnetManager: error retrieving pod spec for 'kube-system/kube-flannel-ds-l6gn4': the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get pods kube-flannel-ds-l6gn4)
I also tried this using the default service account, but it won't show up.
If you are using an RBAC authorizer, you also need to create to configure the role and permissions for the flannel service account
Note that you need to specify a flag to install Kubernetes with flannel --pod-network-cidr
. See section init kubeadm
kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr=
whereas Menionned by Jordan, in some environments you need to install RBAC
kubectl create -f
If you still have problems, check that
Make sure your plugin cni files are in / opt / cni / bin location. You should see the corresponding binaries for each CNI add-on
Make sure the CNI configuration file for the network add-on is in /etc/cni/net.d [root @ node1] # ls / etc / cni / net.d 10-flannel.conf
Run ifconfig to check docker, flannel bridge and virtual interfaces up
as mentioned here on github
I wrote a complete blog post on the topic if it can help.
For those who may be looking for this very recently, the most recent docs state that the correct provisioning team (for RBAC-compliant 1.7+) is:
kubectl apply -f
Note that there are also instructions for older / non-RBAC versions , which states :
kubectl apply -f
Please note that to install RBAC over the old version:
kubectl apply -f
I run the command: kubectl apply -f
This is error: Unable to connect to server: http: server gave an HTTP response to the HTTPS client