How can I optimize IntelliJ IDEA for my specific project?

IntelliJ is a powerful software development platform. Out of the box, he's ready to mow Java, Ruby on Rails, C #, FTP my files to remote servers, and the list goes on. Considering the third party ecosystem of the plugin, the options are even more extensive.

I am looking for optimization for specific projects I am working on today, including:

  • Minimum Spent Indexing Time
  • The minimum number of toolbars I won't use around. Unless we're doing a lot of gruesome TV shows, victory actually closes tickets and leaves in time to catch the sunset.

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3 answers

Disable all plugins not used for this project

Spend some time in Settings> Plugins, carefully disabling absolutely every plugin I don't actually use for this project.

I am not suggesting a hack, such as enabling power saving mode or changing highlight levels or disabling plugins that provide the utility. I just noticed that at any given moment I only need a specialized combination of thousands + of available plugins in the IntelliJ IDEA ecosystem. And the fact is, 100% of plugins are imperfect; some even have bugs!

It turns out that if I want IntelliJ IDEA to run fast, I have to sacrifice the excitement of my toolbars carrying all these fancy icons that I don't need for this project.

Mark temporary folders as "excluded"

It's in the Project Structure> Modules interface or by clicking on the menu in folders in the Project Explorer and choosing Mark As> Excluded.

This in many cases can significantly reduce the number of files that IntelliJ IDEA tries to index.

It turns out that this also makes searching significantly faster and saves more time because I don't have the redundant I / O code that confuses the IDE's attempts to understand my main project code.



First of all, if it gets in your way, it doesn't mean it slows down for everyone else as well. We have different projects, hardware, even the "slow" perception may be different.

Every performance issue with IntelliJ IDEA is unique, a solution that helps one person will not work for another. The only correct way to fix your specific performance issue is to capture a snapshot of the processor profiler as described in this document and submit it to IntelliJ IDEA support, either by submitting a ticket or directly to the bug tracker .

After analyzing the CPU snapshot, the IntelliJ IDEA team will work on a fix and release a new version that (hopefully) will not be affected by this particular performance issue. The team may also suggest some configuration change or workaround to resolve the issue based on an analysis of the data provided.

All other "solutions" (like enabling power saving mode, changing the selection level, disabling plugins) will just hide the real problems that should be fixed instead.



Pushing initial memory from -Xms200m

to -Xms2g

, and maximum memory from -Xmx600m

to -Xmx8g

in my .vmoptions file worked for me.

Running this on your terminal:

find / -name *.vmoptions 2>/dev/null  


can help you find the .vmoptions file if you are on Mac / Linux.



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