Matching templates within a framework

I want to use pattern matching to validate the inside of a struct without creating a new struct. I'm trying to change the meaning of a structure as an exercise (I know mem::swap


Swapping means matching the structure value and then replacing the matching values. As well as let him x = {10,20,30}; x.swap(10,30)

give {30,20,10}


I want to be able, but I can't

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Color {
    r: u8,
    g: u8,
    b: u8,
    a: u8,

impl Color {
    fn swap(mut self, first: u8, second: u8) -> Color {
        match (first) {
            self.r => {
                match (second) {
                    self.b => {
                        self.r = second;
                        self.b = first;
                    self.g => {
                        self.r = second;
                        self.g = first;
                    self.a => {
                        self.r = second;
                        self.a = first;
                    _ => {},
            _ => {}

        Color {
            r: self.r,
            g: self.g,
            b: self.b,
            a: self.a,
fn main() {
    let c = Color {
        r: 255,
        g: 200,
        b: 10,
        a: 30,

    let color = c.swap(c.r, c.a);

    println!("{:?}", color);


The code is not valid, this is what I would like to accomplish. Is there a way to do this? I suppose I disagree with this approach.


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1 answer

Technically, there is a way to do this through pattern matching, but you probably never see it in practice. The downside is the use of match guard :

match first {
    v if v == self.r => {
        match second {
            v if v == self.b => {
                self.r = second;
                self.b = first;
            v if v == self.g => {
                self.r = second;
                self.g = first;
            v if v == self.a => {
                self.r = second;
                self.a = first;
            _ => {},
    _ => {}


But that doesn't really use any useful part of pattern matching; it's just a bunch of if else articles:

if first == self.r {
    if second == self.b {
        self.r = second;
        self.b = first;
    } else if second == self.g {
        self.r = second;
        self.g = first;
    } else if second == self.a {
        self.r = second;
        self.a = first;


You can choose shoehorn in some templates though:

let x1 = (first == self.r, first == self.g, first == self.b, first == self.a);
let x2 = (second == self.r, second == self.g, second == self.b, second == self.a);

match (x1, x2) {
    ((true, _, _, _), (_, true, _, _)) => {
        self.r = second;
        self.b = first;
    ((true, _, _, _), (_, _, true, _)) => {
        self.r = second;
        self.g = first;
    ((true, _, _, _), (_, _, _, true)) => {
        self.r = second;
        self.a = first;
    _ => {}




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