Redis, Python send message over the network

I have the following code written in Python using the Redis PubSub messaging system.


 import redis
 def func1(m):

 queue = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
 channel = queue.pubsub()
 queue.publish("message", m)

 if __name__=='__main__':    
 while True:

     m = raw_input('Enter message: ')


Subscriber side:

import redis
r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
p = r.pubsub()

while True:
    message = p.get_message()
    if message:
        print  message['data']


I want to be able to send messages from one computer to another that are on the same network. I tried to run the publisher and subscriber code on two separate machines, changing host = 'localhost' to host = 'target machine's IP address' But when I ran it, the subscriber program just sat around and didn't receive any messages.

How do you run Redis over a network, not just a local machine? Do I need to list the target computer's IP address on both the pub and sub-parties? I cannot find any specific example on the internet, everything I believe just assumes that you are running it on localhost.


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1 answer

Both the publisher and the consumer must connect to the same Redis server.

I'm not familiar with the pubsub method .get_message()

, but I'm pretty sure it .listen()

works fine.

You can check what commands are being sent to the Redis server using the command MONITOR

(for example redis-cli -h MONITOR

, where is the address of the Redis server).



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