Dynamic grid data binding kendoSource bound to directive

I am creating dataSourec in controller

$scope.dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
                  transport: {
                      read: function (e) {
                  serverFiltering: true,
                  serverSorting: true,
                  pageSize: 20,
                  schema: {
                      model: {
                          fields: {
                              languageId: { type: 'number', editable: true, nullable: false },
                              dateStart: { type: 'date', ediitable: true },
                              dateEnd: { type: 'date', ediitable: true },
                              count: { type: 'number', editable: true, nullable: false }


Then I bind it to my component

    <div data-ng-if="!displayList">
    <analytics-grid data-data-source="dataSource"></analytics-grid>


where i add it to my grid options

 ctrl.gridOptions = {
                    dataSource: ctrl.dataSource,
                    sortable: true,
                    pageable: true,
                    columns: [{
                        field: "languageId",
                        title: "language",
                        width: "120px",
                        filterable: false,
                        values: _languagesLookupDS.data().toJSON()
                    }, {
                        field: "count",
                        title: "count"
                    }, {
                        field: "dateStart",
                        title: "dateStart"
                    }, {
                        field: "dateEnd",
                        title: "dateEnd"
                    editable: {
                        mode: 'popup',
                        confirmation: true
                    messages: { commands: { create: "" } }


and then bind to kendo grid in component view

<kendo-grid data-k-options="$ctrl.gridOptions" data-k-ng-delay="$ctrl.gridOptions" data-k-rebind="$ctrl.dataSource"></kendo-grid>


I am showing a component view when someone toggles a button (data-ng-if = "! DisplayList" in the code above). I have to switch the button to displayList = true and then again to displayList = false to update the grid data, why isn't it updated dynamically when the data in my controller changes and the button is set to display the kendoGrid?


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1 answer

I solved the problem by declaring ctrl.gridOptions as a function

 ctrl.gridOptions = function () {
                return {
                    dataSource: ctrl.dataSource,
                    sortable: true,
                    columns: [{
                        field: "languageId",
                        title: "language",
                        width: "120px",
                        filterable: false,
                        values: _languagesLookupDS.data().toJSON()
                    }, {
                        field: "count",
                        title: "count"
                    }, {
                        field: "dateStart",
                        title: "dateStart"
                    }, {
                        field: "dateEnd",
                        title: "dateEnd"


and then bind it to the view

<kendo-grid data-k-scope-field="$ctrl.analyticsGrid" data-k-options="$ctrl.gridOptions()" data-k-rebind="$ctrl.dataSource"></kendo-grid>


My work assistant said there was a problem. The couse view was looking for an options object and doesn't know how to solve it when the datasource changes. Right now, it just calls a method and gets options with a new data source.



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