Constant variables defined in the header, computed multiple times at compile time

Consider the following header file, which consists of a slow constexpr function that is used to initialize a global variable:

constexpr int slow_func() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 100*1024*100; ++i)
    return 0;

constexpr int g_val = slow_func();


Calling this function takes ~ 10 s

Now if this title gets # included in multiple translation units, build time is increased for each translation unit that # includes this file

With hundreds of translation units, compilation now takes an unreasonable amount of time.

Since this is a constexpr function, I assumed that the compiler would evaluate the return value of this function only once and use the same value in different translation units

Is there a way to tell the compiler to evaluate the value of each "g_val" only once? If not, what can be done?

I'm currently using g ++ - 5.4, but I suppose the standard specifies this behavior (although I didn't find it in the current standard)


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1 answer

Because of the way #include works, you'd be better off making the variable somewhere once, and then making it a forward-declared global variable (by #include forw. Dec.) In all your translation units. This means it only needs to compile once, but anywhere it declares can use it.

Of course, this will be a global variable, so there are downsides. But making it global should stop recompiling it.



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